In Freeport, there are always new discoveries, especially with respect to the residents and their rich and interesting life accomplishments. Meet the Fenderson family, minus their eighth grade son who was playing his musical instrument at the time of this photograph. Michael is the French teacher at the Merriconeag Waldorf School on Desert Road. He also has a major role on school governance which is comprised of teachers who help make administrative decisions for the school. Bobbi, his wife, is a guidance counselor in the Greeley school system. I've known Bobbi and Michael for ten years, yet only in the past 3 years did I learn that Bobbi loves horses just as much as I like to sail. So Michael and his friends figured out a way to make Bobbi's dream a reality. During the past two years I've watched this barn emerge from a foundation to the handsome building it is today. Michael reminded me that there are a few remaining projects including trim and putting up clapboard siding on the side and the back of the barn.
Michael and Bobbi are from northern Maine. I was informed by their son who is a good friend of my son's, that Bobbie has family both in northern Maine and in New Brunswick. Michael has a sister and a brother who live in southern Maine, Phippsburg and Falmouth respectively. Michael's brother is a builder and probably had a part to play in this barn. Before kids, Michael and Bobbi spent a year living in France. Michael is a self-taught guitar player. They both love to sing. I'll invite their friends and family to amplify or to claify some of their life experiences that I've shared here.
I stumbled across your site while looking for sites related to the Fenderson family.
Glad to see another agent blogging. Keep up the good work.
Hi Tripp, Thanks for writing. I'm glad that you found my blog. I've been an inactive blogger for over a month because it is high season to sell real estate in Maine.
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